I know this should be the post that outlines my New Years resolution, my promises; like to post more often! But honestly that sort of thing has never come easy to me and i don’t really know what I'd write. Although I am going to post more often. I’m not going to say everyday because I know i won’t keep to that and there’s no point making a resolution that has no chance of succeeding. I may try for about one a week though, from now on. The bet’s on for how long that lasts :D.
Recently I’ve been making the odd comment or saying things that I have noticed take their basis from cliché. Scary! Well, for someone like me who enjoys writing it is! If I write something and I find the ideas been done a billion times before it’s no good. I know, I've heard the saying it’s not what's been done but how it’s been done. But the actual action has to have some relevance! It does, but it’s all about the way you twist things and make it individual but with the amount of people that have been around and the material out there it’s beginning to look even harder. It’s a good job i like a challenge!
Carrying on for this, as my slightly insane mine goes, I was thinking is everything we do cliché? All the ideas we have? All the beliefs? Or am i just getting very paranoid as exams approach?! I certainly hope not but I’ve come to the conclusion that maybe they’re just good building blocks and we have our own choice of which ones to take and how to twist them. But I’m honestly beginning to thing a lot of what i do and maybe most people do or say is because of a cliché.
Sorry for the cliché post (sorry couldn’t resist ;p)
P.S. Don't forget to check out Read the Road Signs where I am co-writing with Tom.
It could be. Some people think that everything we say and do has been said and done before. I believe that even if what I just said has been said a thousand times before, it's still unique because coming from it's different. The outcome could be identical, but the source could be totally different.
I agree with darkeve.
Cliche is a mere expression that has been passed on. It's meaning is useless most of the time as an idea may be cliche but its execution might be one of a kind.
Tom :)
Darkeve: Thanks, for that I've never looked at it like that before and I agree with you. You've put my mind at rest :D
Tom: Thanks for that, it sounds difficult to think of and i just hope i get the inspiration to be able do it!!
Thanks for the comments :D
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