Monday, 21 April 2008

Why can't I like that?

Wow, yeah, this blog actually does get updated! The new week has started and I'm not feeling particularly well but we can't be healthy all the time right? I wish! Actually, that's just inspired another blog entry! Maybe next time, but for now we'll focus on the current one. Looking at the title the first thing that probably enters your head is what is this all about? Well I was thinking about peer pressure and how you are pressured into becoming the modern day 'clone'.
The modern day 'clone' is someone who is too afraid to stand out and just copies the group's likes and dislikes because they are afraid of being laughed at. Maybe not absolutely, strictly but doesn't this describe most of us? Where ever you are and at what every stage in your life I think people are too afraid of what others may think. Isn't it DIFFERENCES that make us UNIQUE!They should be cherished and welcomed for the variation. If we were all exactly the same nothing interesting would ever happen.
We are all afraid to step out and say I don't care what you like but I like this! It annoys me deeply when people try and impress their opinion on you, leaving you no breathing space to express your own, instantly denoting your's as wrong. In the end does it really matter it's only TRUE friends and family who will accept you for what you are and who cares if someone doesn't like exactly the same as you! A person who makes you feel bad for liking something is nothing but a bully and should be ignored. I can easily type this but of course it's not as easy that. Unfortunately I can't offer any advice, although I think the best thing is to try not to let that person taint your own taste.
If your true friends don't accept you and laugh at you for one of you interests can you really call them TRUE friends? When I make this blog I want to be clear that I mean laughing at not the occasional -constant- teasing from friends. teeasing is light, friendly and not serious laughing at someone's interests is bullying.
Thanks for reading this weeks blog and let's all try to make the step from the dark. Proclaim your interests and don't let anyone stand in your way! Matthew.

1 comment:

Tom Fox said...

I agree. I do the same, and I've been inspired by not just this but many different things to try and stop doing this. But like any other clone, it takes time to break the mold. Don't give up though, it'll be worth it in the end.

Thanks for the great Blog post,
