Sunday, 8 February 2009

What’s around the corner?

Sometime ago (okay only a week or two ago but some time ago sounds better ;p) i was watching this drama about a true story. The drama was called –I think- The Final Journey. The story was that a father got a severe debilitating disease –memory fails me as to which one. He couldn’t move, speak- anything. He just spent his time in his wheelchair and watched. at the start he dies.

How ever his wife, Dr. Anne Turner (Julie Walters), is left behind. she knows how much he suffers and when she finds out that she has the same disease it leaves her distraught. She decides to go to a suicide clinic with her family to die so that she wouldn’t suffer in the same way. Unfortunately it is a true story. The drama centralizes on her suffering and the rights and wrongs of suicide clinics, however this is not what this post is about.

The Doctor and her husband had planned all sorts for their retirement. a retirement which was cruelly snatched from their grip. we’ve just got to realize that actually very little is in our control and that things probably won’t turn out the way we plan them. Who knows what’s around the corner? All i know is that to be happy you’ve got to take every opportunity that presents itself to you because then you will know you have lived your life to it’s maximum capacity. No regrets is another one – when do we know if things will be cut short? We don’t. if you have a regret sort it out and then you will be happy.  In short: live!


Friday, 30 January 2009

Decent People

I know I said that the next post isn’t going to be about school and it’s going to be positive. I’m sorry but I've only filled one of those criteria. It’s inspired by something that happened at school but (for once!) it’s a good thing!

Well it was quite simple, I was asked to get an A3 printing of one my pieces of work. So I toddled off to see the member of staff who takes care of that. However I couldn’t find her so i knocked on the staff room to ask if anyone knew where it was. One of my teachers told me that she wasn’t in but instead of leaving me to walk back to my lesson empty handed he helped me out - spending his time trying to get the A3 printing for me. Quite simple, but struck me as a really nice thing to do when he could have just sent me packing and continued with whatever he was doing.

All in all it just made me think that a lot of our life is coloured by the actions of other people and if we all acted decently everyone would live a lot happier.

Enjoy the weekend!


Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Hierarchy bites back!

I heard something quite chilling today.

Were at the top of the social ladder, you’re licking the bottom step.

Honestly I think that’s disgusting. Who’s to say who’s at what position socially and why does it even matter!? What gives a person the right to belittle someone in that? I don’t even understand the need to be cruel to someone like that.

I also think that someone who depends on their social position as much as these people (as usual it was a group against one) seem to are pretty insecure.

I’m hoping for a lighter post next time and hopefully one non-school related :D

I can hope anyway!


Monday, 19 January 2009


I admit it, it’s a rubbish title but it’s the best i could come up with! But never mind that, what my blog post is going to centre around today is something that has irritated me for along time now (see it does all link in)! :D it’s small and insignificant but still annoying.

Okay suspense over; basically a megalomaniac (okay teacher) asked me to pick up some litter. End of the world! Not exactly  but what really infuriated me wasn’t the actual having to pick it up it was that the litter was closer to the teacher in question. Why is he above picking something up off the floor when I’m not? It’s just something you have to deal with in day to day life but the real message I’m getting at behind this post is that people in power can act obnoxiously and get away with it just because they are in that place.

Hypocrisy is also angers me, not just in school but as i am in school it’s probably the best example of hypocrisy I can give. “Teachers and students are all equal” Pah! What a load of twoddle. For poiliteness the teachers are called sir yet why don’t we get called sir? To be honest it’s not that I even want to be named sir. It’s just hypocrisy. And wrong.

These are thing I know just have to be dealt with in life and there’s nothing really to do about it but honestly this is my blog so I’m putting it here because it irritated me and I just wanted to speak out about it :D


Tuesday, 13 January 2009

A belated Happy New Year!!

I know this should be the post that outlines my New Years resolution, my promises; like to post more often! But honestly that sort of thing has never come easy to me and i don’t really know what I'd write. Although I am going to post more often. I’m not going to say everyday because I know i won’t keep to that and there’s no point making a resolution that has no chance of succeeding. I may try for about one a week though, from now on. The bet’s on for how long that lasts :D.

Recently I’ve been making the odd comment or saying things that I have noticed take their basis from cliché. Scary! Well, for someone like me who enjoys writing it is! If I write something and I find the ideas been done a billion times before it’s no good. I know, I've heard the saying it’s not what's been done but how it’s been done. But the actual action has to have some relevance! It does, but it’s all about the way you twist things and make it individual but with the amount of people that have been around and the material out there it’s beginning to look even harder. It’s a good job i like a challenge!

Carrying on for this, as my slightly insane mine goes, I was thinking is everything we do cliché? All the ideas we have? All the beliefs? Or am i just getting very paranoid as exams approach?! I certainly hope not but I’ve come to the conclusion that maybe they’re just good building blocks and we have our own choice of which ones to take and how to twist them. But I’m honestly beginning to thing a lot of what i do and maybe most people do or say is because of a cliché.

Sorry for the cliché post (sorry couldn’t resist ;p)


P.S. Don't forget to check out Read the Road Signs where I am co-writing with Tom.